Saturday, 9 August 2014


Due to some security reasons most of the Dropbox links are broken. Here now I will attempt to reshare some my manuals. All mistakes are mine and mine alone and they shouldn't be used as a replacement for seeing a trained physician. If you spot mistakes please inform me in the comments.

  1. For the house officer who has no idea what to ask when clerking patients: CLERKING MANUAL
  2. For the house officer who have no idea what are the basic managements: MANAGEMENT GUIDE
  3. For the house officer who doesn't know what to do next when assisting the MO: PROCEDURE PROTOCOL 
  4. For the house officer who can't seem to get in their heads the dosages of drugs: DOSAGE GUIDELINE
  5. For the house officer having some language barrier in:
Now there are no excuses. If you got any ideas for any more projects or if there are points of contention, please let me know in the comments. Thank you.