Wednesday, 19 March 2014

History-taking, summarising and presenting

History taking:
  1. Pre-morbids (D2FMC3):
    1. Duration
    2. Diagnosis
    3. follow-up
    4. Medication
    5. Compliance
    6. Control
    7. Complications
  2. Presenting complaints:
    1. Open questioning
    2. Closed questioning: relevant negatives
  1. How was the diagnosis made?
  2. What was done and why.
  3. What you doing and why.
  4. What you will be doing and why.
  1. History:
    1. Presenting symptoms improving or not?
    2. Side-effects of your treatment.
    3. Basic functions:
      1. Eat
      2. Drink
      3. Sleep
      4. Pass motion
      5. Pass water
  2. Vital signs and observations.
  3. Examination.
  4. Investigations results.
  5. Plan.

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