- General Outpatient: RM1/visit
- Specialist Clinic: RM5/visit
- General Ward stay: RM3/day
- Maximum charge of a 3rd class patient: RM500
- Caesarean section: RM100
- Vaginal delivery: RM10
- Physiotherapy: RM5
- CAPD: RM100/month
- Haemodialysis: RM25 if new filter RM10 if reuse approximately RM150/month
- Chest X-ray: RM10
- CT brain: RM60
- ECG: RM5
- Echocardiography: RM20
- EEG: RM5
- Mastectomy: RM100
- Hysterectomy: RM100
- Appendicectomy: RM50
- Circumcision: RM10
- Blood investigations:
- Group A: RM25/test
- full genotyping of blood group
- Group B: RM 20/test
- HLA-B27
- Group C: RM12/test
- acid blood gas
- blood culture and sensitivity
- Group D: RM10/test
- lipid profile
- liver function test
- renal profile
- full blood picture
- Group E: RM7/test
- C-reactive protein
- T4
- urine catecholamine
- Group F: RM5/test
- CSF biochemistry
- tissue culture
- Rheaumatoid factor
- ferritin
- folate
- B12
- Group G: RM2/test
- serum calcium
- serum uric acid
- cross matching
- amylase
- glucose
- magnesium
- calcium
- total white and differential count
- Group H: RM1/test
- Coomb's test
In summary, a lot of cost can be incurred on a patient especially long-staying ones and though the cost is capped at RM500. The employment to population ratio is 58%, which means for a population 30 million 17.4 million are eligible to work. However only 1 million are eligible to pay income tax which means only these people earn more than RM3060/month. For the rest RM500 would represent up to 16% of monthly income which would be catastrophic for 90% of the population. Moral of the story: Do not order unnecessary bloods.
Noted HLA B27 Test cost at Singapore is S$270
ReplyDeleteThis is the price as charged in the Ministry of Health Hospitals. It should noted that it is subsidised by more than 95% by the tax-payers.